Spas Setun

Spartakovskaya St., 19c3

IG: @spassetun

Alexey Bevza, Anna Taganzeva-Kobzeva, Evgeny Berezin, Kara Güt, Neckar Doll, Olga Paramonova, Vitaly Bezpalov, Vova Vorotniov, Sasha Lemish
Spas Setun Dystopian Party Collection

Group Show

21.12.21 10.01.22

Now that’s the difference between me
I’ll show you emotional truth
I’ll show you the fucking source
I’ll show you yet another fucking lair
And this is for the you
I'll show you that something that makes you:
Feel different
Feel Special
I'll give you
I'll give the you something
Even more interesting than last one
And I'll tell you why it's the best one yet
And then the you can look back on it all
And say:
This is the best thing that ever happened to me
And see:
Why you never became what you wanted to be

— Whitehouse, Why You Never Became A Dancer

Photo by Viktor Nikishov
© Artists and Spas Setun, Moscow